
You’re a true professional. I’m feeling a little out of my depth. Don’t remember the last time that occurred. ;)

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Thank Hudson, I enjoy doing it! It’s fun to meet people here who appreciate writing!

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I would fit into that demographic. I just appreciate people who are good at whatever they do. It’s really easy to appreciate folks who excel at a fine art.

I can’t believe how many amazing writers I’ve met in just a few months. So grateful I stumbled into the platform, you and many other fine writers.

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Apr 20Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

Am I biased because of a great fondness for the gorgeous variety in lilacs? I love scent memory - walking into a room and suddenly getting a whiff of something that sparks a time traveling, intense, memory that lasts to brief a time?

I truly enjoyed this poem. An honor to Lillian’s and life affirming.

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YES. At least for me. Olfactory is THE memory trigger!!!

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Apr 20Liked by Hudson E Baldwin lll

Scent is always such a strong memory trigger for me. It's quite crazy how emotions can be so latched to a single scent. Yesterday, I walked past someone in the city who happened to be wearing a perfume someone I knew at uni wore. Even though I haven't seen that person for 20 years, that smell transported me back to university and being there with them.

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Indeed. Well said.

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Jul 21Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

It worked for Proust as well.

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Thank you 💫

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Apr 20Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

I love the unbroken flow from the beauty of the more general to the personal, and all in a few short lines. Wonderful!

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Thank you! I’m proud of this one. It just popped out a year or so ago…nice when that happens.

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The cosmos is spinning as it should. If we let it, wonderful things happen. At least for me, when I pick up the stirring stick, things go sideways. Patience, not one of my wheelhouse qualities.

As if you didn’t know? lolol

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Maybe patience isn't necessary, just permission.

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Apr 20Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

Beautiful celebration of love and the yet speaks of enjoying the transient nature of - well, lilacs, or love . Brief but nevertheless committed to returning…

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Apr 20Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

You captured my feelings far better than I could have put into words, Patris. That's exactly how I felt when reading this.

Thanks for sharing this one, Brian, and lovely photo to go with it, Hudson.

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Thanks Nathan!

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Well said!

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Because we’re fools or romantics?

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Do they have to be mutually exclusive? ;)

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God no

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She says while looking at me.


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Apr 20Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

Lovely poem celebrating lilacs and love. My mother’s lilac blossomed like Hudson’s photo. The poem and the photo brought back memories of both. Thank you, Brian & Hudson!

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I love hearing that, thanks Paul!

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Thank you for saying that Paul. I must defer to Brian. He made me look good.

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There’s something sentimental about lilacs to every resident of North America. I think of the women of the settlers. Obviously cooked, cleaned, mothered, doctored, Lord only knows what else. Yet somehow kept a cutting of Grandma‘s lilac alive to plant at the new Homestead.

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We had a lilac by the door for years until she gave up. My husband dug her up and gave me her roots, twirled like licorice whips.

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I love making something cool out of a toss away item to most. Kudos to him!!!

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Apr 20Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

Brian, what a gorgeous collaboration. 🌱

You plus Hudson plus lilac, plus sun and soil and so much more.

Thank you for giving Lilac her pronoun.❤️

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Thank you. In truth, I simply furnished Brian the shot. It’s all him. Not just wonderful prose, but page design is perfect. The OCD in me appreciates that beyond all measure.

I believe it a safe assumption Mizzou J school would be proud of Brian. Alumni or not. 😉

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Thanks for recognizing the page design! The little things matter 👍

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She would kick your butt if you called it “a little thing” in her presence. . She spends 22 hours a week in the gym as an ACE certified spinning instructor and BodyFlow professor.

Just a heads up.


I’m positive her editing skills are brilliant also. That’s what she does now on her own. I think she inherited a little generational money. Good for her. She’s Lucidity, editing and layout. Santa Fe, NM.

I think mostly she travels and writes about it. Good gig if you can get it!

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One of my serial monogamy partners had the degree that I mentioned. She did that exact thing as layout editor for both Christie’s Great Estates, latter Stereophile Magazine. If nothing else, I like to think I see what I’m looking at. I know with complete certainty, it was carefully and wonderfully crafted.

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Hudson, there is something about your choices: the light, the angle, the composition. Flowers are easy subjects; they are just so beautiful. But your photograph is more than that. I hope you take the compliment.🌱

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Flattery will get you everywhere……😉

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Most certainly. Being away from the Midwest for 35 years has allowed me to except a compliment with a bit of Grace. ;)

Hi sample use the basic rules of backlight in the framing of the golden ratio. That’s about it. But yeah, plant sex is gorgeous!! lol

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The pronoun happened naturally when I wrote this a year ago. Now, thanks to your writing, I would do it intentionally!

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May 3Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll


via your tender scented words

and petals

the lilac tree

across the road

greening itself

it is I

the awaited one

as my beloved man

returns on Friday

beautiful blossoms

fresh as my soul


for our tenth anniversary


in the flesh

in this moment

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Brilliant, Ms Deborah! 🙏

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Apr 21Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

I was immediately struck by

" When lilacs last in the dooryard bloomed." Thanks for your poem and the thread provoked.

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Mr. Whitman knew what he was doing!

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I am remiss, Malcolm. Your recent work has been brilliant!! Thank you.

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Nay. Not remiss. Just busy.

Been there.

Be well.

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I sincerely appreciate your graciousness. Still, I should endeavor to do better. I found time to consume it……….

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Apr 21Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

This is an evocative combination--well done, Brian & Hudson! Such a nostalgic flower for me. We had a tall, purple lilac bush in the backyard of my childhood home. My mom used to cut blossoms, fill vases, and put them all over the house: on the dining room table, in the entry hall, and in little vases on each bedside table. I would drift off to sleep on a cloud of that special, once-a-year scent. 💜

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Sounds about perfect😊

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So kind of you. Appreciate it!!

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May 2Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

Nice collaboration!

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Apr 27Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

That's really great. It beautifully captures how powerful scents can be and how they can trigger memories. Nice job... 😎

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Bryan is an exceptionally fine writer.

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Thanks Chris!

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Apr 21Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

double beauty

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May 19Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

i just like it.

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Me too! Brian is a fine writer!!!

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May 6·edited May 6Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

I can smell the lilacs when I read your poem! Thank you!

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Thank you!

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My pleasure! ♥️

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May 6Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

This is lovely. The last couplet and what precedes it.

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Apr 27Liked by Brian Funke, Hudson E Baldwin lll

My favorite scent!!

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It’s a good one!

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